1. AUDACIOUS- Bold or Daring
2. HEINOUS-Shocking and out of the ordinary; weird
3. FLAMBOYANT-Strikingly bold or brilliant; showy
4. HACKNEYED-Made commonplace or trite; stale; banal
5. CALLOW-Immature; lacking sophistication
6. BELEAGUER-To harass; to plague
7. CACOPHONOUS-Unpleasantly noisy; jarring
8. EBULLIENT-Full of enthusiasm or high spirits
9. EDIFICE-A building
10. COGITATE-To think over carefully
11. fastidious – careful with details
12. eclectic – selecting from various sources
13. sagacious – wise
14. scaffold – raised platform
15. ignominious – degrading, disgraceful
16. demeanor – behavior, manner
17. pessimism-a tendency to see the negative side of things
18. reprove-to find fault with
19. preconception-to form an idea or opinion without
20. facilitate-to guide or direct a group or discussion
1. precarious – dangerous, unstable
2. pious – deeply religious
3. fracas – uproar, brawl
4. contentious – quarrelsome
5. fervent – impassioned, intense, ardent, earnest
6. corroborate – to confirm, to substantiate
7. pragmatic – practical
8. enigma – puzzle, mystery
9. apathy – lack of emotion or interest
10. didactic – instructive
11. inadvertent – accidental, unintentional
12. mitigate – to make milder or less severe
13. acquiesce – to agree finally or to go along with something after a struggle
14. depravity – moral corruption
15. efface – to erase or wipe out
16. esoteric – understood by only a select few
17. obscure – unclear, clouded
18. innovate – to be creative, introduce something new
19. clandestine – secret
20. verbose – wordy
1. lethargic – tired, weak
2. stoic – indifferent to pleasure and pain, brave
3. sinuous – winding, twisting
4. implacable – relentless, unforgiving. Unappeasable
5. immutable – unchanging, permanent
6. stringent – strict, harsh, severe
7. laud – to praise
8. respite – a rest, a pause, a break
9. predilection – a preconceived liking, preference
10. culpability – liability to blame
11. candid – honest, frank, outspoken
12. provincial – narrow-minded
13. fortuitous – happening by chance or luck; accidental in a positive way
14. supercilious – haughty, arrogant
15. jocular – joking ,good-natured
16. profligate – extremely wasteful
17. garb – clothing
18. discord – disagreement, strife
19. embellish – to add details
20. miserly – hoarding money, penny-pinching
1. grovel – to humble oneself in a demeaning way
2. ensue – to follow
3. cryptic – mysterious, puzzling
4. vilify – to defame or speak of someone as a villain
5. raze – to destroy
6. acrimony – harshness, sharpness ( especially in words)
7. desecrate – to profane a holy place
8. Placid- calm; peaceful
9. Nullify- to counter; make unimportant
10. Tangible- can be touched
11. Abhor -hate
12. Hamper -hinder; obstruct
13. Cower- recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
14. Absolution- forgiveness; pardon; release
15. Blatant- obvious
16. Reprehensible- shameful; very bad
17. Plethora- an excess
18. Repudiate- shun; eschew
19. Tedium- boredom
20. Blasphemy- speech which offends religious sentiments