Wednesday, December 19, 2012

English III 12/19: "(Just Like) Starting Over" by John Lennon

Our life together is so precious together
We have grown, we have grown

Although our love is still special
Let's take a chance and fly away somewhere alone

It's been too long since we took the time
No-one's to blame, I know time flies so quickly
But when I see you darling
It's like we both are falling in love again
It'll be just like starting over, starting over

Everyday we used to make it love
Why can't we be making love nice and easy
It's time to spread our wings and fly
Don't let another day go by my love
It'll be just like starting over, starting over

Why don't we take off alone
Take a trip somewhere far, far away
We'll be together all alone again
Like we used to in the early days
Well, well, well darling

It's been too long since we took the time
No-one's to blame, I know time flies so quickly
But when I see you darling
It's like we both are falling in love again
It'll be just like starting over, starting over

Our life together is so precious together
We have grown, we have grown
Although our love is still special
Let's take a chance and fly away somewhere

Friday, December 14, 2012

English III 12/14: "Human Hands" by The Bowerbirds

When I wake, I wake by the brook,
To an untamed thunder,
And the northern flicker flash about
as the soup in the sky grows thicker.
But I tip my cap and curtsy, and I take no offense
Because there is no hate in your darkest cloud, no ill intent.
Yet there is hate all around.

On its hind legs, rears this storm, and the pines bend from its wily sword.
Yet there is no war, no war,
No quarrel here at all.
And the deer shake in their hooves and shield their fawn.
And when the rain comes, the rain comes.
No judgement falls.
Yet there is hate all around.

There's a rusty prick in the tall grass,
Where the barbed wire waits for a blind horse in a gallop and its sealed and sudden fate.
There is hate in the grip of our human hands.
There is hate in the grip of our human hands.
There is hate in the grip of our human hands.
Yes, there is hate all around.


4. generalization - A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases.
5. formulaic - Constituting or containing a verbal formula or set form of words.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Professional COMM 12/10: Clarence Darrow on liberty

"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free." -Clarence Darrow

English III 12/10: "Ready or Not" by The Fugees

"Ready or Not"
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Make you want me.

Now that I escape, sleepwalker awake
Those who could relate know the world ain't cake
Jail bars ain't golden gates
Those who fake, they break,
When they meet their 400 pound mate
If I could rule the world
Everyone would have a gun in the ghetto of course
When giddyupin' on their horse
I Kick a rhyme drinkin' moonshine
I pour a sip on the concrete, for the deceased
But no don't weep, Wyclef's in a state of sleep
Thinkin' 'bout the robbery that I did last week.
Money in the bag, banker looked like a drag
I want to play with pelicans from here to Baghdad
Gun blast, think fast, I think I'm hit
My girl pinched my hips to see if I still exist.
I think not, I'll send a letter to my friends,
A born again hooligan only to be king again.

I play my enemies like a game of chess, where I rest,
No stress
If you don't smoke sess, lest.
I must confess, my destiny's manifest
In some Goretex and sweats I make treks like I'm homeless
Rap orgies with Porgy and Bess,
Capture your bounty like Elliot Ness, YES
Bless you if you represent the Fu
But I'll hex you with some witch's brew if you're Doo Doo
Voo Doo,
I can do what you do, easy, BELIEVE ME
Frontin' give me hee-bee-gee-bees
So while you're imitating Al Capone
I'll be Nina Simone
And defacating on your microphone.

Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly


You can't run away
From these styles I got, oh baby, hey baby
Cause I got a lot, oh yeah
And anywhere you go
My whole crew's gonna know
You can't hide from the block, oh no.

Ready or not, refugees takin' over
The Buffalo soldier, dread-lock rhasta
On the twelfth hour, fly by in my bomber
Crews run for cover, now they're under pushin' up flowers
Superfly true lies, do or die,
Toss me high -
With my crew from lock high
I refugee from Guantanamo Bay
Dance around the border like I'm Cassius Clay

[Chorus (Lauryn) REPEAT 3X:]

Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Make You Want Me


1. Aesthetic -     Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Also, a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
2. annotate - To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon.

Friday, December 7, 2012

English III 12/7: Mozart "Symphony 41 (Jupiter-Molto)"

Mozart is perhaps the greatest composer in the history of music... He was prolific, emotional, irrational and possessed by a beautiful pain that constantly transformed itself into music. So much music and so perfect is such an amazing combination! What do you think of this piece? How long do you think it took him to compose? They say listening to Mozart for 15 minutes can increase your IQ temporarily... if you had to give a totally uneducated guess, why would you say that is?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Professional COMM 12/5: Jimi Hendrix Double

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix

"I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see." -Jimi Hendrix

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Professional COMM 12/4: Mother Teresa (again)

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa

Friday, November 30, 2012

English III 11/30: "The Nature Anthem" by Grandaddy

"I wanna walk up the side of a mountain

I wanna walk down the other side of the mountain
I wanna swim in the river and lie in the sun
I wanna try to be nice to everyone"

This is a song I use to put me in a good mood and to remind me of what's important in life. I want you to write about the lyrics (as few as they are) and write about the general feeling of the song... how does it make you feel? Why? Does it DO anything for you? What is the significance of the lyrics "I wanna walk up the side of the mountain"?

Professional COMM 11/30: St Augustine

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering." -St. Augustine

Thursday, November 29, 2012

English III 11/29: "Postcards From Italy" by Beirut

The times we had

Oh, when the wind would blow with rain and snow
Were not all bad
We put our feet just where they had, had to go
Never to go

The shattered soul
Following close but nearly twice as slow
In my good times
There were always golden rocks to throw
at those who admit defeat too late
Those were our times, those were our times

And I will love to see that day
That day is mine
When she will marry me outside with the willow trees
And play the songs we made
They made me so
And I would love to see that day
Her day was mine

Professional COMM 11/29: Plato on The Light

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -Plato

What do you suppose he means by "afraid of the light"? Are you afraid of the light?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Professional COMM 11/28: Malcolm X

"There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time." -Malcolm X

English III 11/28: Whitney Houston "I Will Always Love You"

If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
You, my darling you. Hmm.

Bittersweet memories
that is all I'm taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.

(Instrumental solo)

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.

You, darling, I love you.
Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you.


17. Enhance- improve; make better or clearer
18. Harangue- noisy, attacking speech
19. Plaudit- statement giving strong praise
20. Knotty- complex; difficult to solve 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

English III 11/27: "While We're Young" by Department of Eagles

I should have nailed you down

Now you're on that cloud If we're gonna do this
We gotta do it now
While we're young
There you go again
On that horse of yours
If we're gonna do this
We gotta do it now
While we're young

You should have stood me up
Now I'm draggin' you down
If we're gonna do this
We gotta do it now
While we're young

I've lost my head
Prefer foolishness instead
My words just rise

Leaving all good sense behind
Leaving all good sense behind
Leaving all good sense behind

What are you tryin' to prove?
What are you tryin' to prove?
Who are you tryin' to prove it to? (x5)


13. Blunderbuss- 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person
14. Ephemeral- short-lived
15. Pliable- flexible; not stubborn
16. Abstemious- self-denying; refraining from indulging 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

English III 11/15: "A Singer Must Die" by Leonard Cohen

Now the courtroom is quiet, but who will confess.
Is it true you betrayed us The answer is Yes.
Then read me the list of the crimes that are mine,
I will ask for the mercy that you love to decline.
And all the ladies go moist, and the judge has no choice,
a singer must die for the lie in his voice.
And I thank you, I thank you for doing your duty,
you keepers of truth, you guardians of beauty.
Your vision is right, my vision is wrong,
I'm sorry for smudging the air with my song.

Oh, the night it is thick, my defences are hid
in the clothes of a woman I would like to forgive,
in the rings of her silk, in the hinge of her thighs,
where I have to go begging in beauty's disguise.
Oh goodnight, goodnight, my night after night,
my night after night, after night, after night, after night, after night.

I am so afraid that I listen to you,
your sun glassed protectors they do that to you.
It's their ways to detain, their ways to disgrace,
their knee in your balls and their fist in your face.
Yes and long live the state by whoever it's made,
sir, I didn't see nothing, I was just getting home late.


9. Nuzzle- cuddle; snuggle
10. Talisman- lucky charm
11. Nuance- something subtle; a fine shade of meaning
12. Bilk- cheat; defraud 

Professional COMM 11/15: Thanksgiving

For today's blog I would like you all to list ten things in your life that you are grateful for and one thing that you want to change. Let the one thing you want to change be something that YOU can change.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Professional COMM 11/14: Current Events

OK... today we have a free current events blog. Using an online news source (google news is awesome) find a story that interests you and tell me:

1) why does it interest you?
2) summarize the story.
3) what is your personal opinion of this story/event?

**be sure to provide me with a link to the story in your own blog! And don't copy and paste... it wastes your time and mine.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

English III 11/14: "Sierra Leon" by Mt. Eden

Good Morning... today we are blogging about a dub-step song. It is a dreamy and atmospheric track with no words. I would like you to do one of two things: 1) tell me what this song makes you imagine or feel 2) write a little poem that you think might serve as good lyrics for this song.

5. Plummet- fall suddenly and steeply 
6. Obliterate- destroy; demolish; eradicate 
7. Lackluster- dull; monotonous; bland 
8. Objective- unbiased; not subjective 

Monday, November 12, 2012

English III 11/12: Radiohead "Pyramid Song"

Jumped in the river, what did I see?

Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
And all the figures I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

I jumped into the river and what did I see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
And all the figures I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt
There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt
There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt


1. Cringe- recoil; flinch; shy away
2. Envenom- to cause bitterness and bad feeling
3. Abstruse- difficult to understand; obscure
4. Rescind- retract; repeal 

Professional COMM 11/12: Foucault on Power

"Power is not an institution, and not a structure; neither is it a certain strength we are endowed with; it is the name that one attributes to a complex strategical situation in a particular society." -Michel Foucault

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

English III 11/8: "Ambling Alp" by Yeasayer

Now kid, I know I haven't been a perfect man
And I've avoided doing things I know I can
But if I learned one thing, the tattoo on my arm will burn into my thumb
It would be that

You must stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done

Now Old Man Schmelling was a formidable foe
But Ambling Alp was, too, at least that's what I'm told
But if you learn one thing, you've learned it well
Until you must get past yourself
They'll run but they can't hide

You must stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done

And when those thunder clouds are crying in the skies, in the skies
And when those fireflies keep shining in your eyes, in your eyes
Keep your mind for the time, with your ass on the line
Keep your feet, feet sliding to the side, to the side

Now, the world can be an unfair place at times
But your lows will have their complement of highs
And if anyone should cheat you, take advantage of, or beat you
Raise your head and wear your wounds with pride

You must stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done
Stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

English III 11/7: Okkervil River "Wake and Be Fine"

Someone said to me, “I’ll come into your dream and speak it to you.” I already knew. I found her in an attic where, dramatically, she leaned in to me, and she whispered these lines: “Wake and be fine. You’ve still got time to wake and be fine.” Embracers meet with more embracers on the street. They say, “Hold me, dear stranger. Grab on to me. We’re carrying our years around us, or they’re chasing down us. We’re all here at the same time. Can we wake and be fine? Have we still got time to wake and be fine??” Villains on the creep and killers in the crowd are carving apart our childhood house. Lovers in their sheets, dreaming lovers sweetly turn in their sleep all under sunbeams. Everybody’s crashing, running, calling out the coming of things they kind of can see. Someone said to me, “It’s just a dream. Why don’t you wake up and you’ll see? It’s fine.” In those miles racing over endless fields of snow (you already heard, you already know), the rescue party finally lost their hearts, and then they shattered their bones, and then they died all alone. The ships all float from beaches by themselves above the hot afternoons. (Goodbye, you balloons!) Adrift above indifferent clouds. Our hearts are crashing loudly on some rock where the gulls whine, “Wake and be fine.”

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

English III 11/6: "White Room" by Cream

"In the white room with black curtains near the station.
Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
Silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
Dawnlight smiles on you leaving, my contentment.

Ill wait in this place where the sun never shines;
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.

You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning.

Ill wait in the queue when the trains come back;
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.

At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
Shes just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.

Ill sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves." - Cream


17. Blithe- free-spirited; carefree
18. Crepuscular- active at dawn and dusk
19. Enunciation- clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
20. Headstrong- stubborn; willful 

Professional COMM 11/6: Current Events

OK... today we have a free current events blog. Using an online news source (google news is awesome) find a story that interests you and tell me:

1) why does it interest you?
2) summarize the story.
3) what is your personal opinion of this story/event?

**be sure to provide me with a link to the story in your own blog! And don't copy and paste... it wastes your time and mine.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Professional COMM 11/5: Andre Breton

"Perhaps I am doomed to retrace my steps under the illusion that I am exploring, doomed to try and learn what I should simply recognize, learning a mere fraction of what I have forgotten." -Andre Breton

English III 11/5: Bob Dylan "It's Alright Ma"

Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child’s balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying

Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn
Plays wasted words, proves to warn
That he not busy being born is busy dying

Temptation’s page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover that you’d just be one more
Person crying

So don’t fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It’s alright, Ma, I’m only sighing

As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don’t hate nothing at all
Except hatred

Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Make everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred

While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked

An’ though the rules of the road have been lodged
It’s only people’s games that you got to dodge
And it’s alright, Ma, I can make it

Advertising signs they con
You into thinking you’re the one
That can do what’s never been done
That can win what’s never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you

You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks they really found you

A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit
To satisfy, insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not forget
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to

Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to

For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something they invest in

While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him

While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society’s pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he’s in

But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it’s alright, Ma, if I can’t please him

Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn’t talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony

While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer’s pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death’s honesty
Won’t fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes must get lonely

My eyes collide head-on with stuffed
Graveyards, false gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough, what else can you show me?

And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They’d probably put my head in a guillotine
But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only

13. Laconic- using few words; brief; to the point
14. Oblique- indirect; slanting
15. Plumage- feathers of a bird
16. Resignation- acceptance of fate 

Friday, November 2, 2012

English III 11/2: Julian Lynch "Terra"

New Jersey citizen Julian Lynch has been making music on his own terms in his own very unique way for years. His music has powers to transport the listener to places familiar as well as exotic; it's an unique fusion of nostalgia and curiosity. The song we're hearing today (from his album "Terra" out tomorrow) is a fine example of the dreamy, almost trance-like quality of Lynch's musical meditations. Music blogger Michael McGregor said it best on Altered Zones:

"... "Terra" opens with a sultry bass line, clarinet, and shakers before the gentle pat of hand drums ushers in the melody. If you're not deeply engrossed yet, just wait 'til the guitar-synth drizzles down your spine three minutes in. Julian's meticulous arrangements weave in and out of sonic states that feel as virgin as they do familiar; Julian's touch is so genuine, it's almost hard to believe they were captured in the Google era."


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

English III 11/1: "Ufunani Esitedamu" by Malozana

This is a pop song from West Africa from 1986 from a mixtape called Afrosynth VI: Working for the Weekend. You probably won't understand the words but I want you to write about the feelings, images, memories or ideas that the music brings to mind. Picture yourself as a part of the culture that created this... what would that be like? What does this culture feel like to you? Enjoy.

If you like this, you can check out more stuff like this at


9. Lampoon- ridicule; spoof
10. Oblivious- totally unaware
11. Podium- raised platform
12. Resonant- echoing

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

English III 10/30: Blowing Trees "The Line is A Far Away Place" // "Wolf Waltz"

Don't roll your eyes
Don't step over this line
Change radio blares
Chase stereo air
Type lines I can't read
Forces lines I don't need
Erase your old guns
Chain the music stuns
Coming through your vacant gaze
Wrapped around your favorite place
Circles of blood fall away
You're just fine now
Now are you?
Now are you?
Now are you?
Now are you?
Now are you?


Don't you touch that wire sticking out the wall
It will shock you to the next to the next
Never trust an electrical current
They were made to run made to run
I was there I saw it happen
She was there oh she fell
You should have seen how it worked so well
They were so entertained
You took your united neglect
A nation divided
Parallel angles like a Kubrick
In your eyes like an idol
There is only one, won't you come?
Can't you hear the sirens?
Oh patience,
I learn to cherish the stare you hold
Eat words like last meals
You get what you want but it's not enough
Oh have you seen the door that you left behind?
No eyes could hold 'cause it's all in your mind.
Can't you waltz?
Can't you waltz?
Can't you waltz?
Wolf waltz
Can't you waltz?
Can't you waltz?


5. Plummet- fall suddenly and steeply
6. Resolution- determination
7. Tentative- not certain
8. Lamentation- expression of regret or sorrow 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Professional COMM 10/24: Extra Credit

Changing the world is not about putting the right kind of people in power. It is about awakening the right kind of power in people. —@MettaCenter

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Professional COMM 10/23: Obama's Muslim Outreach

On June 4, 2009 our President delivered a historic speech in Cairo, Egypt. His goal? To reach out, on behalf of the United States, to the Muslim world. His message is very clear on this subject: we need unity, understanding and- above all- intelligent dialogue. Obama doesn't necessarily bash America on this subject, though he certainly could, but instead remarks that there are divides between us that have been held in place by misunderstanding, ignorance (fanaticism) and hate.

Despite Obama's good intentions, many believed (and no doubt still do) that his actions represent weakness and 'siding with the enemy'. What is your opinion on this matter? How important is it that we try to correct centuries of hate and misunderstanding? Can people of different religions/ideals coexist peacefully in a way that is mutually beneficial?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

English III 10/18: "The Transfiguration" by Sufjan Stevens

This is an amazing song. Not too many people are writing really moving religious songs these days, but there is a definite need for spirituality in our society right now. The Transfiguration, for those who don't know, is the coming of God into human form. What kinds of emotions does this song arouse in you? Peaceful? Conflicted?
"When he took the three disciples
to the mountainside to pray,
his countenance was modified, his clothing was aflame.
Two men appeared: Moses and Elijah came;
they were at his side.
The prophecy, the legislation spoke of whenever he would die.

Then there came a word
of what he should accomplish on the day.
Then Peter spoke, to make of them a tabernacle place.
A cloud appeared in glory as an accolade.
They fell on the ground.
A voice arrived, the voice of God,
the face of God, covered in a cloud.

What he said to them,
the voice of God: the most beloved son.
Consider what he says to you, consider what's to come.
The prophecy was put to death,
was put to death, and so will the Son.
And keep your word, disguise the vision till the time has come.

Lost in the cloud, a voice: Have no fear! We draw near!
Lost in the cloud, a sign: Son of man! Turn your ear!
Lost in the cloud, a voice: Lamb of God! We draw near!
Lost in the cloud, a sign: Son of man! Son of God!" - Sufjan Stevens

Monday, October 15, 2012

English III 10/15: Bright Eyes "At the Bottom of Everything"

We must talk in every telephone
Get eaten off the web
We must rip out all the epilogues in the books that we have read
And in the face of every criminal
Strapped firmly to a chair
We must stare, we must stare, we must stare

We must take all of the medicines too expensive now to sell
Set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell
And in the ear of every anarchist that sleeps but doesn't dream
We must sing, we must sing, we must sing

It'll go like this:

While my mother waters plants
My father loads his guns
He says death will give us back to God
Just like this setting sun is returned to this lonesome ocean

And then they splashed into the deep blue sea
It was a wonderful splash

We must blend into the choir
Sing as static with the whole
We must memorize nine numbers and deny we have a soul
And in this endless race for property and privilege to be won
We must run, we must run, we must run

We must hang up in the belfry
Where the bats and moonlight laugh
We must stare into a crystal ball and only see the past
And in the caverns of tomorrow
With just our flashlights and our love
We must plunge, we must plunge, we must plunge

And then we'll get down there, way down to the very bottom of everything
And then we'll see it, oh we'll see it, we'll see it, we'll see it

Oh my morning's coming back
The whole world's waking up
All the city buses swimming past
I'm happy just because
I found out I am really no one


17. Alma mater – foster mother, applied to educational institution
18. De novo – anew, once more
19. De profundis – out of the depths
20. In perpetuum- forever

Friday, October 12, 2012

Prefessional Comm 10/12 - Current Events Special: Malala Yousufzai

A few days ago, one of the most special young ladies in the world was gunned down by Taliban forces outside of her school. Why? For agrguing loudly for freedom and the right of girls to an education. It is clear to me that Malala represents what is good about this world and the forces that conspired to attack her represent what is rotten. Discuss her story in your blogs AFTER following and reading the links below.

About her and her blog:

Links about what happened and its significance:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

English III 10/11: "I Can" by Nas

[Kids] I know I can
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)

Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up
You can be anything in the world, in God we trust
An architect, doctor, maybe an actress
But nothing comes easy it takes much practice
Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star
She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe
Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version
Hung with the wrong person
Gotta astrung when I heard when
Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose
Coulda died, so young, no looks ugly and old
No fun cause when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath
Cause she smells of corrosion and death
Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring
Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing
So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how

[Chorus - 2x (Nas and Kids)]
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)

Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again
This is for grown looking girls who's only ten
The ones who watch videos and do what they see
As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID
Careful, 'fore you meet a man with HIV
You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be
Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be
Older than you are, give yourself time to grow
You thinking he can give you wealth, but so
Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know
You thinkin life's all about smokin weed and ice
You don't wanna be my age and can't read and right
Begging different women for a place to sleep at night
Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish
If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this


Save the music y'all, save the music y'all
Save the music y'all, save the music y'all
Save the music

Be, be, 'fore we came to this country
We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys
It was empires in Africa called Kush
Timbuktu, where every race came to get books
To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans
Asian Arabs and gave them gold when
Gold was converted to money it all changed
Money then became empowerment for Europeans
The Persian military invaded
They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred
Africa was almost robbed naked
Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships
Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went
He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces
Shot up they nose to impose what basically
Still goes on today, you see?
If the truth is told, the youth can grow
They learn to survive until they gain control
Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes
Read more learn more, change the globe
Ghetto children, do your thing
Hold your head up, little man, you're a king
Young Prince thats when you get your wedding ring
Your man is saying "She's my queen"


9. Haughtiness- arrogance; pride 
10. Lachrymose- tearful; sad 
11. Plethora- an excess 
12. Repudiate- shun; eschew